Just like the 1980s, the beginning of the new century is going the same way, only this time while supermarkets and stores are still merging and shedding staff, competition is fierce at both ends of the supermarket business.

Supermarket Deals And Supermarket Offers And Coupons

Supermarket deals and offers are becoming a fighting ground over buy two get one free offers, loyalty card shopping deals with loyalty points gained on monthly spend amongst other weekly and daily price reductions across the shelves and fridges of the UK’s supermarket aisles.

Both shopper and supermarket have to contend with supplier food prices, commodities and energy prices continuing to rise yet try to pass supermarket deals and offers on to their shoppers and the consumers at large and attract new business and keep their current loyal consumers returning week in week out.

Cheapest No Frills Supermarket Deals

The best supermarket deals used to be found on a particular shelf of each department in a store and usually on a Sunday where products marked by sell by date would be reduced for quick sale. While goods can be thrown, any margins disposed of this way is lost revenue for the supermarket.

So rather than throw away, supermarket deals such as these enable some money to be clawed back even if it’s only part of the the original purchase price. Obviously there is far more wastage with bruised fruits, cracked or rotten vegetables on route to the store, likewise damaged goods from glass to bottles of spirits and wines end up going in the wastage bin also but damages are usually built in to pricing or large scale breakages covered by insurance.

Compare Supermarket Online Shopping Prices And Deals

It took a few years to be able to collate the information and supply it to the masses but it is now possible to compare supermarket online shopping prices and deals on the internet via supermarket price checkers online.

Supermarkets were once individual entities online but a few individual websites set up to directly pit the supermarket giants of Tesco, Sainsburys and Asda against each other in an online price war, where every day shoppers can compare supermarket prices and compare supermarket online shopping prices and deals in an instant.


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